[PS] Baekjoon #7562
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Baekjoon #7562 Knight
- 3 input values:
- board length l
- source (x,y)
- destination (x, y)
- Count how many moves needs to go to the destination.
- Visit all board using bfs.
- In each turn, the knight can visit 8 directions.
- Knight can move only on the board, not the outside. -> Need to check the coordinate.
import sys
r = sys.stdin.readline
def bfs(src: tuple, dst: tuple, l: int, visited: list, count: list) -> None:
from collections import deque
q = deque()
while q:
this = q.pop()
this_x, this_y = this
if this == dst:
visited[this_x][this_y] = 1
next_list = [(this_x-2, this_y+1), (this_x-1, this_y+2), (this_x+1, this_y+2), (this_x+2, this_y+1),
(this_x-2, this_y-1), (this_x-1, this_y-2), (this_x+1, this_y-2), (this_x+2, this_y-1)]
for each in next_list:
each_x, each_y = each
if 0 <= each_x < l and 0 <= each_y < l and visited[each_x][each_y] == 0:
count[each_x][each_y] = count[this_x][this_y] + 1
visited[each_x][each_y] = 1
if __name__ == "__main__":
test = int(r())
l_list = []
src_list = []
dst_list = []
for i in range(test):
src_list.append(tuple(map(int, r().split())))
dst_list.append(tuple(map(int, r().split())))
for i in range(test):
l = l_list[i]
src = src_list[i]
dst = dst_list[i]
if src == dst:
visited = [[0 for _ in range(l)] for _ in range(l)]
count = [[0 for _ in range(l)] for _ in range(l)]
bfs(src, dst, l, visited, count)
I wrote like below, at first.
if each_x not in range(l) or each_y not in range(l):
But this made more overheads, because 2 range()
method made a sequence, iterable object, every turn and in
keyword took time to find.
if 0 <= each_x < l and 0 <= each_y < l and visited[each_x][each_y] == 0:
This change has 4 comparison, but it's more faster than find in range(l)
for twice.