[PS] Baekjoon #12018
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Baekjoon #12018 Yonsei TOTO
- Set 1 to 36 mileage to the subject you wish to take.
- After all, the number of students will be decided in descending order of mileage.
- Output is the maximum number of subjects available for the given mileage.
- If the mileage is same, you are the priority.
- If the applicant is less than the number of available -> Only 1 mileage can be taken.
- Else, equal to or larger, use the same value as the mileage of last available person. -> Because of the priority.
- Make sure you have enough mileage before each application.
import sys
n, m = map(int, sys.stdin.readline().split())
lectures = []
for i in range(n):
temp = {}
temp['p'], temp['l'] = map(int, sys.stdin.readline().split())
temp['mi'] = list(map(int, sys.stdin.readline().split()))
temp['sorted_mi'] = sorted(temp['mi'], reverse=True)[:temp['l']]
temp['min_mi'] = temp['sorted_mi'][-1]
cnt = 0
del_list = []
for temp in lectures:
if temp['p'] < temp['l']:
if m < 1: # Check left mileage
cnt += 1
m -= 1
for k in del_list[::-1]:
sorted_lecture = sorted(lectures, key=lambda x: x['min_mi'])
for temp in sorted_lecture:
if m < temp['min_mi']:
cnt += 1
m -= temp['min_mi']