[2020-1] KNU Info - WepProgramming team project
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KNU Info
2020 1st semester, Wep Programming project of team #6, KNU CSE.
There is a lot of information on the department's website, but not all of it may be necessary for me. So, the goal is to develop a website that shows only the relevant information when you save your major and a keyword that you have interest. In addition, it provides personalized experiences such as setting up a background image.
Development Environment
- Eclipse EE
- Tomcat 9.0
- jsoup
Team member info
Description of each page
Main page
- The first page of the site.
Login page
- The design is from an open source bootstrap login template.
- Provides ID/password search and Sign up.
- Provides ID duplication check.
- Select your major when signing up.
- You can see mypage when you sign in successfully.
- Use the table to show the crawled information.
- Use 'Datatable' open source table templates.
- You can select the number of lists that are visible at a time.
- Select each item to go to the corresponding notice of the department's homepage.
- If you are not logged in and attempt to access this page using the address bar, you will be redirected to the login page.
Customize page
- You can enter the keyword you want.
- You can also set the background image you want.
- This background picture applies to mypage and customize page.
Demo video
On Youtube: https://youtu.be/9ouNuz7PaTw